Preschool Petri Dish

Early Reader Ideas:

Homemade Books
  • Using word groups, irregular words, and/or high-interest words, make simple sentences (1-2 per page).
  • Organize the sheets of paper in such a way that it can be stapled to form a book.
  • Have the child decode and read the sentence(s) on each page, then draw/color an illustration that goes with the sentence he/she has read.
  • Add the personalized book to the child's bookshelf and enjoy time and time again!
Visual Arts:

  • put out several bowls of water dyed different colors
  • give each child a pipette (or spoon, or baster)
  • let children mix any colors they choose in their own containers (let them completely self-discover, or guide them through)
    • primary colors - red, yellow, blue
    • secondary colors - orange, green, purple


  1. Incorporated the homemade book with the "Fallen Tree Mystery" lesson. Check out the comments under that section of the blog for my feedback!
    (The homemade book is something I'll definitely do again!) :)

  2. How about an acrostic poem?!
    The topic/focus of the poem is written vertically. Each letter of the topic/focus then acts as the first letter of each verse.
    For example, if the topic/focus of the poem is "ice," it could look something like this:
    I t's solid.
    C old.
    E xtreme environment.

    This might be a fun tie in for the little ones.
