While looking on education.com, a website that provides educational worksheets and activity ideas, I came across the explanation of a "Growth Flower." From construction paper I made the center and stem of a flower for each of my girls. Every time they accomplished something new, we'd add a petal to the flower with the accomplishment written on it.
We hung the flowers on the wall as constant reminders of all of the girls' achievements. They were eager to add new petals to their flowers each time a personal goal was met. In addition, their self-confidence and pride shined as they showed all that they were capable of doing to interested family members and friends!
With Summer at its end, I thought of a new way to record my girls' new feats. To coincide with the beautifully colored leaves of Fall, I created the "Growing Tree." With each new accomplishment a leaf will be added to the branches.
Is there anything better than celebrating the growth of a child?!
Enjoy watching the self-esteem and smiles of your young ones blossom and grow as you record each milestone. Not only is this project something for your children/students to get pleasure out of now; a nice little piece of artwork has been created for them to reflect upon and appreciate later in life.
Below are some suggested titles to read with your young ones to accompany and enhance this project.
All By Myself, by Mercer Mayer
The Little Engine That Could, by Watty Piper
I Believe in You, by Marianne Richmond
I Think, I Am!, by Louise L. Hay and Kristina Tracy
Incredible You!, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer with Kristina Tracy
On My Way To A Happy Life, by Deepak Chopra with Kristina Tracy